Inspired by a desire to serve those less fortunate and with a deep understanding that ‘it is in giving that we receive’, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (the founder of modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga) established the MCKS Trust Fund in Bangalore, India in 1999. The vision of the Trust is to be of service – to provide funds and assistance directly to those living in poverty and distress throughout India, and to develop further projects to help those in need.
The MCKS Trust Fund is a registered charitable trust, and has, since its inception, been the focal point of the charity work done by GMCKS, receiving direct oversight, guidance and instructions from GMCKS on the allocation of funds and the support of specific projects. Because of this, the work of the trust is very directed and grounded in a true desire to remain focused on the vision of the Founder – to bring support, restore hope, and rebuild the faith of those who truly need our help.
“The Soul develops by giving not by accumulating.”
Master Choa Kok Sui
Creating A Better Future 
Instead of portraying the future Earth as a polluted, overpopulated hellhole, we can make it a place where we would all love to live. At MCKS Trust Fund our aim is to bring about positive changes on all areas of life.