Warm Thank You for the Season.
It is holiday season!! The season marked by home cooked meals, family gatherings, gift exchanges and warm hugs. While a lot of us might be enjoying all of this, some of us might have to spend the holidays differently this time. We didn’t want the blue to get to you, so we bring to you- a pocket full of sunshine sent all the way from Bangalore by a lot of girls whose lives were saved because you decided to act kindly!
The organisation that we are talking about is Swakshatra. MCKS Trust Fund has been working with Swakshatra since 2018. They works with ‘at risk’ children who are victims of abuse, rescued child-trafficking victims and any other situation that may endanger the mental, physical and emotional well-being of a child.
MCKS Trust Fund provides them food, helping them with the rents and providing budgets for vocational training of the kids.
We have been working with this organisation because we believe in the saying , ‘Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven’. It is only by providing a safe and nurturing environment for our kids today, we can begin to expect the world to have kinder leaders tomorrow. No kid deserves to be deserted or be treated in any other way but with understanding, care and love. These kids have gone through a lot of pain and trauma, yet did not give up.
We are the disciples of a teacher who taught us that, to love is to provide, who told us about the nurturing qualities of love, we couldn’t have turned away from helping them.
In this season of Loving Kindness we share with you the importance of your donations and the impact they have on so many kids. With your generosity, you have helped in providing better lives to so many. For that, we at MCKS Trust fund thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Swakshatra, in Sanskrit means innately strong or master of oneself. They aim at contributing to a world where every kid, every woman and everyone personifies Swakshatra.
All of us, along with the kids thank you for your time and kind consideration to donate to the Teacher’s organization.